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No Squirt September

All september like boys ”no nut november” girls cant squirt while fingering

”Finally september! one month closer chirstmas eve” remeber its also ”no squirt september

by Artyjom69 November 2, 2019

No Squirt September

Just like no nut nov but for the females

Man: Are you ready for No Squirt September
Female: It's going to be so hard

by Axetone November 1, 2021


when a large amount of cum squirts out of a woman’s vagina!

did you see that pornstar squirting??

by iam100%correct February 20, 2022


When you stimulate both a female's clitoris and G-spot (found about an inch inside the vagina, on the upper wall) at the same time.

Squirting doesn't happen to everyone. It's estimated that only 10-50 percent of females can actually squirt, and there's nothing wrong with you if you can't.

The liquid that comes out of you when squirting isn't just pee. It does contain some pee but it also has prostatic-specific antigen, produced by the skene's glands.

"I squirted for the first time last night, squirting is the best!"

by 691414 April 12, 2023


Squirting is when Nico does her little naughty time a produces a vast amount of Liquid from Nico's kitty that will one day flood the ocean. #WAP #WATERWORLD #BALD

''Nico you flooded the ocean stop squirting!!!!"

by Easportsisuckondic August 11, 2022

Protein squirts

The liquid explosions that can be compared to a shotgun bang, that exits your ass after drinking whey protein.

Bro1:Damn man got home and drank some protein last night, next thing I know I was shotgunning the toilet.

Bro 2:Must of been the protein squirts

by Beta hater June 22, 2018

Creampie Squirt

The invisible happy fap bubble!

Creampie Squirt buddy. Creampie Fap.

by EddieBrock5 March 20, 2024