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Spouse's half-pibling's wife.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024

co-worker meme

A viral meme that is often commercialized and only found funny by boring, sterile people who have never been introduced to a higher form of comedy like your least interesting co-worker whose sole source of entertainment is the mainstream internet and late-night television

Danny: What the fuck even is hawk tuah?
Barnaby: It's another co-worker meme that probably has a merch store and a tv show planned by now, just like Damn Daniel or whatever.

by green and retired July 13, 2024


Spouse's great-grandnibling's spouse.

My co-great-grandnibling-in-law is a good person.

by JAMP12 September 21, 2021


Spouse's aunt's husband.

My co-uncle-in-law is a good person.

by Gerald128 April 6, 2021


Spouse's pibling's husband.

My co-uncle-in-law is a good person.

by Wonbig October 13, 2021


Spouse's pibling's husband.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024

co-imperative conflation

The complete (imperative) overlap between the boundaries of the phenomenological and the phenomenal.

Co-mperative conflation includes a complete overlap between the boundaries of synthetic dialectics and intersubjectivity; deontology (law) and science; and naturalism and monotheism respectively.

Reveals the phenomenal to be fiction ie. the internalized space of the contiguous is completely devoid of value in accordance with Nietzsche's paradigm of nihilism.


The co-imperative contrapositive to contiguity.

Co-imperative conflation is counter-posed by co-imperative contiguity in which all conformal circles intersect at a single point (in contrast to an infinite number of points).

Co-imperative contiguity reveals the monotheistic (one God) divinity to be fiction which is later replaced by the meta-apeirotheistic (infinite self-God) sublimity.

by tomorrowtomorrow December 23, 2018