Means to eat Liam’s head off and continue to take a hokey stick and shove it up his decapitated nose hole
Liam prepare your self for the sock liam
He is a full on nc hockey boy that is vsco famous. He’s really good at hockey and he has a high snap score until he unadded me on snap chat!! He lives in North Carolina!! Gooo canes
Hoe 1: Yo those kids are cute!!
Hoe 2: Ya they are the nchockeyboys, look them up on vsco his name is Liam west
une réponse totalment valide contre toute question posée sur une actions posée par liam. Elle peut aussi être interpréter dans le sense "tu t'attendais a quoid?"
"pourqoid Liam veux un foetus?" -> "c'est Liam"
The sweetest hottest looking guy if you see him be ready to pass out do to his charming looks. Liam is the cutest baseball player ever known to man he’s either a player gay or gets no one but you may be the lucky forever one I know I wish I am he’s always running late but that doesn’t stop him from getting good grades. Liam Patrick is the closest thing you can get to the embodiment of hotness I hope someday he can be mine
Girl 1- Did you see that catcher he’s a total Liam Patrick
Girl 2- Back off I need him
That dude who plays soccer and only skates street and fucks around with a tech deck all day. He's hella annoying and his thighs are the color of the frootloops crushed up in milk.
Oh shit. Liam Skater gave me a fingerjob in class and it was amazing.
Person one“Liam Keenan is a rapist”
Person two “yeah i know”