They are super cool and really hot and super good at basket ball
A very tall, sexy, holy Asian that everyone wants to fuck. Noah Byrd is a very Wanted man by all the girls and men.
Ethan Wilson: OMG, it's Noah Byrd
Ethan Wilson: I want to F him all night long.
He is the hunkiest, 100 % lean mean sex machine. He is God and all his goons do as he says without a second thought.
Man did you see that, that kid was totally being "Noah Jackson".
Big dick nigga on god. He'll take all your hoes.
ayyy whatch out for that nigga noah rodriguez, dont let your girl out the house alone
Noah Gray is boy who is a ranga and is gay. He has autism and generally is a spastic. He has friend called Peter altenkamp who has a little peter. Noah has no boyfriends and is quite lonely.
Guy 1: You know that gay ranga kid?
Guy 2: Noah Gray?
a jock who is pretty chill and got his best friends girl knocked up
quinn: I am not keeping the baby
noah puckerman:lets name her Beth
When someone's feelings don't count because they internalize them
I'm sorry Ryan, I'm sorry Sarah, I'm sorry Mickey......and Noah (The Noah Effect in action during an apology)