I can't believe you looked up "I can't believe you looked that up." What the hell, man?
Can't the person/people in question act normal/appropriate?
Man 01 (to Man 02): Hey, Can't Them Walk On A Steely Cricket?
Man 02: That's what I'm saying, I mean it's absolutely reprehensible behaviour on their part!
When one does or will not ever have an answer to the question being perposed.
I wonder who that is? " I can't never know".
The inability to understand or explain something. Usually while chemically augmented AKA fucked up.
Hey bro I'm walking around Electric forest and I can't Undersplain an effin thing soooooo gonzo
Frustration or irritability resulting from the inability to masturbate on account of a lack of privacy or opportunity.
Frank had relatives in town and was growing increasingly can't-wank-erous.
Idk why ur looking at this, just go to pinterest or something
please help i can't find ideas. GO TO FRICKING PINTEREST
This is the garbage energy and motivation that those who cannot or will never be emotionally successful use to try to stop those who CAN from reaching their happiness and potential. Fuck these people. Losers. Miserable sods. Need I type anymore?
Mom: "Well, you know that you have other things to consider instead of helping yourself in this difficult transition."
Adult Child: "I'm feeling very happy and secure when I am with this completely adjusted and trusted person."
Mom: "Here it is! Plain and simple. I can't so you can't."
Adult Child: "You miserable cow! Resentful is just the tip of the shitberg! Just stop talking."