a word that describes a girl or boy who is like an hourglass with big hips and a big chest
thicc people are people like kim,onya,alex and chris those are very thicc people you will want to have them over at your house
damn bitch your ass is thicc as shit
"Thicc" is the word neckbeard weebs use whenever they see a morbidly obese cartoon.
"Damn, she T H I C C"
"Holy fuck, EXTRA THICC"
thicc is a word that most Americans use. It’s usally describes woman’s features. Such as their melons, there butt and thighs
Damn that Emilia girl is thicc af
A stupid slang word that describes a skinny girl with a really big butt; shaped like a Christmas tree.
Damn, she looks like she can't carry her own booty weight while she's dancing as she's pulling up her pants! That girl is thicc!