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Caleb West

A fat, ugly man that still wears size XXXXXXXXL diapers in his sleep. All girls are deterred from him due to the tiny specimen lurking around in his pants. Non-athletic, thinks he’s good at many sports and achieves his genes from his whale like mom.

Caleb West will be depressed crying in his bedroom like the baby he is.

by Alexi McFeast September 16, 2019

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west essex

West essex is made of four towns, fairfield, roseland, north caldwell. Bunch of hoes but the bestest friendships are made. We have those rich snotty girls but we also have the regular girls who dont care about brands. We have the hottest boys in the area. Parties every weekend and ranking top in the state is just what we do. We are close to the city for fancy dinners or dts for summer or the mountains for winter. Generations of familes go to west essex and once you leave you wish to come back.

β€œWtf is west essex”-person 1
β€œI wish I could to west essex”-person 2

by Westessexisbetter January 14, 2018

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West Islip

Also known as White Islip because there is no diversity

Did you hear she’s from West Islip?

Yea that’s why she acts ratchet she’s from the whitest town ever.

by parker.e October 26, 2019

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West Rekjavik

Small nation located somewhere around Strongbadia and East Rekjavik. Famous for its concerts, where Strong Bad and friends play a lot of the time.

Live in West Rekjavik: Strong Bad! Wednesday the 3rd! 26 bucks! Bring some ladies!

by that person....who does the stuff....yeah December 26, 2003

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Kanye West

Your future president, Americans.

That little shit will beat trumps and joe bidens ass
KANYE 2020

Jill: why the fuck is kanye west running for president
Joe Biden: hEs tRyInG tO sTeAl bLaCk vOtEs fRoM tHe DeMoCrAtS
Joan: shut up racist

by Darth N1h1lus July 10, 2020

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oshkosh west

Oshkosh West is a place where dreams go to die, the staff overpowers the students even if you're right, they will do whatever they can in there power to ruin your life even if u did absolutely nothing wrong, the other day ago I had my phone out on a table 2 minutes before the bell rings and I start packing up and the student teacher yelled at me for packing up I ignored him so he

took my phone from me which I wasn't even on it...? I tried to fight to get my phone back or and reason with the school but they only made my life worse I ended up getting written up and having to turn in my phone every day even when I wasn't on it, I'm a senior at Oshkosh west and have hated every second of how this school treats the student body like shit.

oshkosh west sucks

by gabe dinggle December 11, 2018

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West Gate

A band of people who play music

"Who is West Gate???" - WG fan 1
"Who cares!" - WG fan 2

by TheRealAkerfeldt July 11, 2010

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