Source Code

swing low

a line in a song by hole...

"swing low. sweet cherry.
make it aweful...." and so on...

by m. wuornos January 20, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Low Blow

The act of a male blowing his load at the base of the vaginal opening.

I don't know how anyone could sleep with Dave. He is such a low blow.

by CowboysLady05 January 26, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


game similar to shootin dice
-3 die are use
- c-low is 3,4,5
- only triples beet c-low ex. 4,4,4
- 1,2,3 your out of the game
-try to roll doubles 2,2,5 :your score is 5/ 4,4,6 your score is 6
-person with the highest score wins the pot
-can bet with anything ex. razor blades, cigs, dollars etc

we were rippin bowls and playin c-low

by Rza March 20, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mobbin on the low

Low key thuggin.

E.g. you roll up to give your ex back some shirts he's been bitching about with your new boo thang, and when he wants to talk you say nah bro and roll off with new bae in front of his ass

New bae: you want me to drive around so he cant see you're with me?
Me: nah, im mobbin on the low

by Cdizzlet June 2, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Matthew Low

gay fag who has a poop fetish and loves a girl named Molly Hay. Also has abs so its all good, girls usually want his dick but all he wants is a alaskan pipeline on himself. after a long day of sleeping in and going to the gym, he usually hits up a girl who can bend walls with her curves for a nice alabama hot pocket.

Girl 1: Have you seen Matthew Low?
Girl 2: No I was with him yesterday and all he wanted to do was eat my shit

by LilCheekinGarrett January 10, 2018

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Low Gear

1. To feel depressed or sad.
2. To do a task unwillingly.

You and your complaints always put me in a low gear.

by Max Valdes September 8, 2007

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

the oil was low

Someone who's bad in bed.

Finally, hooked up with Julie last night.

How was she?

The oil was low.


by Shuaman February 2, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž