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Butt Pirate

General reference to male homosexuals. As heard on south park when cartman referred to the term 'fags' as being insulting to butt pirates.

Did you know that Paul is a butt pirate, yes I heard Wendy asked him.

by wolfman69 April 5, 2009

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pirate kiss

a kiss where one would push their partner against wall or on ground push hand above their head while making pirate noises.

Girl: the pirate kissing was great

Boy: argh

by clmm November 11, 2009

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poo pirate

a male enjoys insert their genitalia into another mans anus

look its that damn poo pirate again

by Cupernicus November 9, 2002

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poo pirate

A male who willingly engages in anal sex with another male.

I do declare that Mr Stromberg eyed me up most distastefully in geography today. I swear the man's a poo pirate!

by Kopf Slap November 11, 2009

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gargling pirate

the act of cuming in a girls mouth and then karate chopping her in the throat.

man i gave her a gargling pirate last night it was awesome

by barak July 17, 2004

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Cum Pirate

A nautical slut or prostitute that goes about pirating semen from dirty sailors. This is often done because the person either enjoys the taste of cum or likes it all over her face and hair. Also a term for a complete whore.

I say, look at that girl scouting for penis on the high seas! She certainly is quite the cum pirate!

by BlueReview June 24, 2008

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Mexican Pirate

When a woman is giving you head pull out before ejaculation and blow your load in her eye. Then kick her in the shin. After completing those 2 tasks you have gave a women the pirate. Once you have managed to get her to hop around like a pirate, you must then push her down a flight of stairs.

After performing a mexican pirate on his g/f, jimmy had a hell of time trying to explain to the doctor why she had a bruised shin, a broken arm, and skeet on her face.

by imacracker February 6, 2009

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