A deadbeat dad. Worse pile of garbage out there. Basically human scum.
Eh take your kid out and play some ball. "Quit being a wayne kiriak"
A very blick boy that is sexy and loves boxing basketball and enjoys football
Doesn't usually fight but when he does he normally injures the person badly
Normally the strongest person if you ever bump into a Tu-wayne dont piss them of
Yo brodie I heard Tu-wayne beat up jay badly!!
Brodie: I was there you cunt
Dejohn: I wish I was there
Wayne Nj - white filled town with a bunch of sluts and whores, smoking at 10 is normal and drugs is the # 1 reason why kids go to high school.
When someone flagrantly causes an error to the point where it seems they did it on purpose, they have wayned it. A wayned action is something done so horribly that it couldn’t have been an accident, although it usually is.
He totally wayned that shot. He wasn’t even aiming at the pocket.
I’m totally wayning right now! I don’t even know what I’m doing.
She is going to wayne during the next challenge.
He be Wayne
HEY HELLO Ma name is WAYNE if we catch ya bullying youll feel the PAIN
Wayne; also referred too as “Pulling a Wayne”.
The act of disappearing, and trying to start a modelling career. Only to realise the male human mouth cannot consume that much white gooey substance in a lifetime.
“Hey, where did he go?”
“Pulled A Wayne, won’t see him for another 2 years”
The #1 League of Legends Master tier ADC main in Illinois
AKA Sir Wayne, summer ant
Notorious for missing Illaoi E's and played a private tournament against Faker once
He's also Italian
Wayne is the best Master tier ADC main in Illinois