Squad of battle Mercy's and team comp in Overwatch that is the new META and never lose's
Draxl: Battle Mercy Squad is here
6👍 2👎
An euphemism for masturbation.
P1: "Dude, you've been in the shower for like a whole hour. you better not be maekin battle plans in there."
P2: "Dude! Chill, I'm just washing my hair."
A fighting game based in Magical girls
Magical Battle Arena = MBA
A hit object show made by GatlingGroink57, the Pilot was first released in april 1, 2020. It has about 66 characters/ 60 contestants, 1 host and 1 co-host, and 4 side characters. Currently has 5 episodes (6 if you include episode 0, the pilot), and episode 6 is planned to be released on February 22. 2023. It's inspired by Battle For Dream Island, and it's also known as AIB!
Me: Jasper, have you heard of the silly object show called Animated Inanimate Battle?!
Jasper: No. I'll plan to watch the silly object show soon, though
best friend ever amazing to have a round so pretty if u don't have a Clara in it life is missing out
sasha:ur friends with Clara grace battle lucky u
Bitch girls who live in the city Battle Ground, WA. They wear to much makeup and take to long to get ready because there so fucking ugly.
Battle Ground Bitches can suck my dick, man.
I just shat out my ass. Booted up my PC cuz I’m needing it, to get that fortnite battle pass.