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cool teacher

He/she is a science teacher for middle school or high school. He/she is cool and nice and gives his students a chance to have a say and prove their point if they say something. He/she doesn't give so much homework which is nice. Unless you didn't finish the work then that's homework but besides the point.

Student: yo i have {______} for 1st period who do you have

Student#2: I have the cool teacher

by trapsssss cheeeeeeeeee March 16, 2021

cool beans

a slightly 70's style phrase which acts as an exclamation of approval to a previous statement

'i just got that girls number!'
'cool beans!'

by jimbob brown April 6, 2006

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cool bug

an insect filled with cool juice that wonders around throughout earth. if you’re bittin, you immediately become cooler than cool for approximately 15 minutes. if you notice someone being extra cool, check them for bites.

you think that guy brandon over there got bit by a cool bug? he’s being extremely cool right about now.

by carrrilllo April 23, 2019

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in a cool way

One thing the other definitions forgot to add is that people will also sometimes reference this, especially if they are in the FNF fanbase.

In FNF, an indie rhythm game, you can download and edit the files and then post them publically, making a β€˜mod’. In one of these mods, called Bob 2.0 (Bob’s Onslaught), there is a character called Ron, which eventually gets killed off by Bob (the main antagonist of the mod). Just before Bob starts his queue in singing, Ron says a quick dialogue which says "*dead* (in a cool way)" which is where the joke originates from.

guy 1: ron is sus (in a cool way)

by jayquan. August 13, 2021

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cool legumes

An awesome way to say cool beans

Mary: "I just got ten dollars dude!"
Me: "cool legumes yo'!"

by FuckinFriday May 30, 2014

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that's cool bro

What you sarcastically tell someone when they're saying something cool yet uninteresting. Abbreviation= TCB.

Cody was telling Susie a story and instead of telling him to keep going on she said that's cool bro instead of cool story bro.

by BroTime November 23, 2013

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Shawky cool

A really cool person who is a memester and has swaz like no one and can run really fast

That is shawky cool

by My name is jiff April 22, 2019

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