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Dyna Bro

A specific type of Harley-Davidson owner. Rides a bike of the Dyna family that is modified in a specific club style. High t-bars, raised suspension, and a fairing are common. Most likely will be wearing dickies shorts, long songs, vans, and a Simpson Racing helmet.

You're going to have to raise up those bars if you want to be a true Dyna Bro

by Bike N Bird May 8, 2019

24๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chick who is basically like one of the dudes, similar to tomboy status, but less manly. One who hangs out and does dude-ly things, but knows her limits. Not to be confused with Bro-ho, a bro-chick is a girl who will sit back, drink beer, play videogames and football with you, and still spend 5 fucking hours doing her hair and makeup.

Bro 1: "That chick is so cool to hang around with. It's like she likes all the same things me and my bros do"

Bro 2: "You don't think--"

Bro 1: "Yeah. It's official. That chick is totally my bro. She's a bro-chick."

by SUNNEHHH February 5, 2011

64๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


hot girl that also has bro-like qualities which make her awesome for all things bro-related.

Christy is such a bro-chick, we sat and played video games all night yesterday. And she also made me a sandwhich.

by Bropocalypsezzz February 1, 2011

58๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Down

Verb: to bro down; Noun: a bro down
pronunciation: Brauh Daaaaooooon

An event which occurs when a group (2 or more) of men convene in a suitable place in which the following acts occur:

- consumption of alcohol
- fist pumping
- one or more of the individuals must be bare chested
- watching movies / playing video games
- talking about sports
- verbal abuse of females
- no anal sex
- calling each other a bro

The bro down is designed to create a comfortable environment where attendants are made to feel comfortable, but there must be no anal sex.

PLEASE NOTE: No bitches must be present at the bro down.

bro: "what the fuck... are you a bro??"

guy: "yeah"

bro: "then stop being queer and take your shirt off!"


bro: "BROOOO DOOOWWWWNN" *remove shirt*


bro1: "hey bro, bro down later?"

bro2: "I have to see my girlfriend later"

bro1: "only gays have girlfriends!"

bro2: "true, I'll see you at the bro down"

by rapmasterB November 27, 2011

84๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spikeball bros

A group of athletic guys ( usually lacrosse players ) that lack basic social skills and refuse to participate in social events electing to stay at home with their bros and circle jerk it around a spikeball net. On rare occasions the bros will meet with a priest who pummels their asses until he releases his Holy Spirit all over their khakis

Bro: hey dude are you going to the football game tonight?
Spikeball bros: nah I have to go to mass with my mom and then hang out with two guys and watch some Netflix

by Club122 November 2, 2016

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Smash bros

the best n64 game

Smash bros

by PopcornMcgee December 9, 2019

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Bro Pitt

a version of the modern day bro with undeniable good looks, witty sense of humor, and a lady killer aura. It is not advisable to take this type of bro as your wingman unless you yourself can be classified as such, doing so will result in him pulling your chick as well as the three others he scored earlier in the night.

Bro Pitt here tells me that intelligent cultured chicks are easy, guess it's time to hit up the Renaissance fair.

by pendergastastic September 7, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž