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butt dial

When your cell phone accidentally calls someone you did not mean to while on your person.

I called her a fucktard. She heard cause my phone butt dialed her.

by Laurie January 16, 2004

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Wonder Butt

Term of endearment for that amazing, hyper little turd in
your life.

It's 3:00, I need to go pick up Wonder Butt from kindergarten...

by Shelli H. May 22, 2007

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butt plug

An anal toy, used by males or females. Primarily used to stretch and relax the anus over time for a good fucking.

After Jessica had the buttplug in for a few hours, she was ready to get butt fucked.

by john August 30, 2004

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butt grease

This is just simple to define. It is the slick smelly substance created from farts, sweat, poop, and anal seepage. It stays tucked in between the butt cheeks in everyones crack. It can vary in amounts, and consistency; depending on how often one takes a bath or farts. The uses for this product are many, one is to help lube the large cracks of fat people as they walk. Another one would be to load a finger with the substance to annoy someone with a stinky finger or for self defense. Also see butt grease with snow flakes, dingle berries.

I smeared butt grease on my nephews nose to stop him from farting in peoples faces.

by zeusking007 October 17, 2007

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Ring Butt

The undesirable outcome from sitting on a toilet for to long.

I was reading a good article while sitting on the toilet, now I have Ring Butt.

by Rob W. March 22, 2005

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butt cowboy

A derogatory term for a homosexual, made famous by Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs.

Mr. Blonde: Eddie, if I was a butt cowboy, I wouldn't even throw you to the posse.

Nice Guy Eddie: Of course not, you'd keep me for yourself, you sick bastard. Four years of fuckin' punks up the ass you'd appreciate a piece of prime rib when you see one.

by FlickO April 25, 2009

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butt crusty

crusted poo that stays in your butt and itches a lot

i didn't clean my butt well after having explosive diarrea, and now i have a bad case of butt crusties.

by Allen T. McIntosh III April 27, 2003

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