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Po cracker

A white cop especially those who are always trying to fuck over black people.

Here comes a po cracker.

by Deep blue 2012 May 17, 2010

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Cracker Game

When a large group of male Homo sapiens gathers around a cracker. The objective of the game is to cum on the cracker. The last individual to cum on the cracker must eat it while the others watch.

Chris V, Lachlan R, James M and Dylan B are playing the cracker game after the penis inspection.

by Miguel/Enrique May 6, 2019

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Acorn Cracker

1. A person who takes hard evidence to the people by publishing it on the internet such as publishing youtube videos that expose public corruption.

2. Any individual who plays an active role in exposing fraud and corruption, abuse and deceptive practices or any involvement in subverting the interests of justice or publlic responsibility that includes exposing facts and evidence on the internet that may not otherwise be exposed by the media such as youtube videos exposing Acorn Corruption and Fraud.

The new group of activists are refered to as "Acorn Crackers" who expose public corruption using the internet publishing resourses like youtube to make evidence such as recordings and videos of officials engaged in wrongdoings known and assessable to the general public, often thwarting media attempts to suppress public interest stories for possible self interest reasons.

The new atmospher created by internet publishing simplicity has created an open door for "Acorn Crackers" to expose public corruption by means of publishing incriminating evidence, video tapes, recorded phone calls, etc. baddly needed to bring about changes long over due.

by Dynamic Thought Adjuster September 21, 2009

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Cracker Jazz

The bastardization of Jazz music into the White man's smooth jazz abomination.

I really liked this radio station until they started playing all this cracker jazz.

by ttomkat1 July 11, 2008

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Cracker Barrel

A collection of white people forced to be huddled together in a small place, such as in an elevator or jury box.

"Jamal had no chance with his not guilty plea because the jury was a cracker barrel."

by The Quin March 15, 2018

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Nabisco Cracker

A snack cracker made and distributed by the company "Nabisco", nothing more. Some use it as an insult, but they seem literally challenged. See urbandicks for more information on these people.

Nabisco crackers are a fun snack, especially at parties.

by minari-naga March 25, 2005

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jesus on a cracker

Funny phrase which indicates you are surprised.

"Our math final is tomorow" "JESUS ON A CRACKER!"

by John December 16, 2004

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