Anyone who comes out of Big Apple Academy in Brooklyn will always end up dirt poor or incredibly rich.
Joshua got The Bambi Curse and ended up declaring bankruptcy at the age of 25. Jonny also got the curse but he ended up becoming a successful dentist.
When you can look at something valuable to you, but can never touch it
Nibba 1: RCB never won the IPL trophy for 15 years.
Nibba 2: Yeah, it's Kohli's curse
Iwant to fuck a
cheeseburger. Just
having that cheesy
goodness melt all
around my cock would
make me feel at ease
with the world again,
Being able to cum
inside a dead cow
makes me feel so alive.
I have been banned
from 231 McDonald's
for public
Whenever I see an ad
for McDonald's I get so
fucking horny. God I
want to fuck a
The day-long bout of violent, burning diarhhea you get after eating Little Caesar's pizza.
I should not have ordered pizza last night, now i've got the Caesar's Curse.
Cursedkoki//Cursed is a wonderfull person who talks about spaghetti in toasters, he is known to be a kokichi main and kinnie on Ace Atorney Online on the server HDF
Cursed is cursed isnt cursed? as you see this is a cursed sentence made my cursed.-jed1 ((Cursedkoki//cursed
The chymezeen curse occurs when one person has deep feelings for another, who reciprocates but not to the same extent. This imbalance leads to a curse affecting the one who loves more intensely. The curse disrupts their relationship and inflicts profound dread, misery, and sorrow on the more devoted lover, while the other person develops a strong aversion towards them. A mysterious black figure is involved in this curse, requiring a vision where the cursed individual is compelled to harm the one who loved them most. The figure exerts control, leaving the person powerless to alter their actions. They face a choice: to swap curses or say goodbye forever. If they choose to swap, the roles reverse; the one who loved deeply now harbors hatred, while the one who initially hated becomes filled with love.
Curse of Chymezeen
A phrase used by distressed Huntsmen, referring to the bloodborne plague that broke out in Yharnam. Said plague gradually turns humans into deadly beasts, and many Huntsmen that use the phrase have already begun to feel the effects.
Huntsman #1: This town's finished!
Huntsman #2: This is a damn curse...