Source Code

Dirty Irwin

when someone who you may or may not know, takes a dump in your toilet, not using any toilet paper; does not flush, and proceeds to leave the premises.

"Dude! that chick just totally pulled a dirty Irwin and left!"

"Dude she just shit in your toilet without using tp and peaced!?"
"Yeah dude she does that all the time it's a dirty irwin"

by disty 67 September 29, 2012

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The Dirty SL

A small town nobody has ever heard of, complete with trashy gazebos the trailer kids smoke weed in, and underpaid bitter teachers in both high schools. Half of the kids are anime freaks that think they're animals, and the other half are stoner losers who think weed makes them look cool. No other city is nearly as trashy as the Dirty SL.

Kid 1: Hey, I smoke weed and haven't brushed my teeth since 2nd grade, what town should I move to?

Kid 2: The Dirty SL, my man.

by Nothanksjustpublish March 9, 2017

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Dirty Tristen

When you have sex in a port-a-potty sitting on the toilet when the girl rides on top.

We were at a concert last week and I got a dirty Tristen

by Tjbisme April 15, 2020

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the Dirty Malnove

When you stuff your balls into a girls ass then proceed to masturbate onto their back.

Monty gave Shan the Dirty Malnove at work.

by Manglove January 24, 2011

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dirty deku

Just him being dirty minded

Wow dirty deku

by Senpaialexuwu April 22, 2020

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Dirty Vasquez

When a deadbeat, lame ass, piece of shit, good for nothing, bitch ass nigga abandons his child for no reason... other than to satisfy his own selfish homosexual needs.

Tina: Have you heard from Michael's dad?
Michelle: No that nigga pulled a Dirty Vasquez on him.

by Are You My Daddy November 3, 2016

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Dirty Parker

is when you jurk-off to five guys fucking each other, Then putting your cum in to your sock

Im go do a Dirty Parker

by Daddy Dick February 27, 2022

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