When you get rid of the erroneous, random folks that you've collected as facebook friends. Most you have not met, they just had a profile pic that appealed to you, you took the bait, and they accepted.
After face purging, I no longer needed to pay attention to club/crappy bar special invites of the women/Justin Gurians I invited to be my FB friends... finally, I was at peace.
Dunce face is the nick name of Denki Kaminari given to him by Kacchan Bakugo.
Bakugo: Dunce Face.
Bakugo: Dunce Face!
Bakugo: DuNcE fAcE!!!!!
a particularily brutal member of the facial community
That dudes face looks like a ham walet
Yea, It's quite a schmee face
Ugly but with sharp features used as an insult. commonly used in PEI.
You and your friends all have protractor faces!!
Someone who has a very disfigured face, is very unattractive, and looks like they give out goldfish if you throw a ball into a glass. Or if they work at McDonald's.
"Hey Carl, I was fucking this chick doggystyle, and she turned around, and WOAH, carnival face."
The face (along with all its parts such as eyes, nose, lips and eye brows/lashes) that you came out of the coo-da-mama with...
Did you know if that is such and such "birth face"?