A person whose social media feed primarily consists of promoting other products from which they clearly receive a commission. Their content has likely devolved from being personable and containing substance to being destitute of any authenticity.
Hey Did you see Konig's new Instagram skincare post of him using endangered black rhinoceros pills?
No, I stopped watching his shill feed.
When a girl feeds her partner her pussy.
We have to head home now, it's time for my boyfriend's crotch feeding.
An excuse to leave an online chat room, mainly for gaming, to go and masturbate
"You ready to start the next match?"
"Hol' up I need to feed my lizard"
A way of saying you are jacking off, an excuse to leave an online chat room.
"Are we going to start this next game"
"Hol' up I'm going to feed my lizard"
Fake Weed. Half of the time just grass or paper.
I bought some weed from my usual dealer but the little ass hole sold me smoke feed.
Full feed is the art of eating large amounts of food and drinking non-stop resulting in serious weight gain in short amount of time!
Man, Chelsea really went on full feed after freshman year!
Ryan, you sure you should eat that entire pizza?
Fuck You Ron!!! I'm on full feed!
You seen the pics of Stacy in a bikini? Yeah, that bitch on full feed.