Flames fans are some of the greatest people in the world. They are super loyal to there hockey team. Even if the flames are doing complete shit , they will always be there for the flames cheering them on.
Brian: have you seen them flames fans
Steve : Ya they some crazy motherfucker aren't they
Travis Scott: La Flame says "let your ambition carry you"
Live your life after the la flame
A man whose outward appearance, mannerisms, speech and affectations would lead any observer to conclude they are an out and proud gay man. Except they are totally straight.
One look at the comedy stylings of John Mullaney and you'd think he was gay but he's just one of those flaming straights.
When lying down in your bed, peacefully dozing off to sleep after a 12hr work day, and your old lady decides to start throwing flames out her back butt -so fierce & explosive that even a Dutch oven doesn’t stand a chance. It will seek, destroy & flatten anything in its path
Elrod said he was laying in bed, his old lady snoring away like a filthy animal, when she starts firing Ghost Flames at him from point blank range. He hasn’t been the same since
A sex position described as having a candle too close to the bed and someones hair catches fire while the other person cums, then laughs at the expense of their partner.
My girl and I were having sex and she pulled a flaming Elmo on me. When I came she said,"that tickles".
A technique used to light a bowl of marijuana. A bowl is flame broiler when the first person to take a hit lights the bowl around the the rim. This allows only part of the marijuana in the bowl to to be lit while there is still unlit marijuana for the next person in rotation.
Yo man, make sure to flame broil this first hit, we have a rotation.
its exactly like twin flames but we use dick flames because it sounds cooler