A mindless creature, especially one that plays League of Legends, they have no idea what they are doing and are lost in life most of the time. If you ask them a question, they will completely ignore you because they have a Zombie Brain.
"SP, what are you doing, why are you taking blue while we are taking dragon, do you have a Zombie Brain?!?!?!!?"
A cognitive delay due to recently waking up. May also be attributed to hunger or anger.
Corey doesn't know what he's talking about, he has Foggy Brain.
When all you can think about is about Burning Man even though you have a job, deadlines, a wife, a mortgage, pets, etc. The condition of not being able to focus on anything else but Burning Man.
"Baby , I'm so sorry I forgot to mail in the mortgage check this month, I've got Burning Brain."
Slang for penis, particularly when is not thinking rationally, but mostly due to hormonal motives
Stop using your little brain to think and get it together.
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the hamster that runs on the wheel in your brain making thought possible
I can't think anymore, I think my brain hampster died!
When you first wake up and you are stupider than normal.
Dude, I can’t do that right now I got morning brain.