Blocky's Funny Doings International, later renamed Woody's Funny Doings International, is a fictional corporation in the show BFDI. The show revolves around Blocky playing pranks on various contestants, such as placing a Firey Recovery Center above water or filling a Bubble Recovery Center with tacks. Including putting a tree near a cliff and connecting an Ice Cube Recovery Center to it using a dull spring.
Blocky's Funny Doings International also involves non-canon pranks that appear in several BFDI shorts. Like in the short titled "Blocky Prank Compilation"
Blocky's Funny Doings's ownership was later transferred to Woody due to Blocky's elimination in BFB 24. As well as legal issues containing Blocky pulling a prank while at a court case due to the theft of Donut's Diary
"This program was brought to you by Blocky's Funny Doings International"
April 11th is international break the law day. On this day you are supposed to post a picture of you breaking the law on Social Media or post a photo of an illegal item in your possession.
“It’s international break the law day! Everyone post pictures of your illegal guns!”
29th October permits every alternative person to kick a chav, chav can mean a few things- a usually British girl with either blond, sometimes brown, and ginger girls who wear too much makeup and threatens people to look ‘hard’ but really look like stupid bitches and sometimes have huge eyebrows and usually have handbags /or boys who constantly go around in usually gray tracksuits but can be other colors, often threaten people and often look as if they have shit themselves- these are the 2 main definition of chavs and any alternative person may kick them
Alt1- shit the chavs are coming
Alt2- don’t worry is international kick a chav day
Altgroup- 😁
the worst day ever in history, where all the shitty straights think they're apart of the lgbtq+ community (they aren't), and celebrate transphobia.
it's international super-straight day, this is transphobic and shouldn't be a thing.
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14. October, is the International Send nudes day.
-Send Nudes. -Wtf ew no. -But its International Send Nudes Day
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On January 12th grab a ginger because no matter where you are it’s time to give them a well deserved kiss
Hey you spawn of Satan has anyone kissed you, yet because it’s international kiss a ginger day you know
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On the international send nudes day(real one)april 20 the custom is that u have to send nudes to people u fell comfortable talking or just hanging out with even if u are not flirting, the only rule is that u cant say no so watch out who finds about this
Hi Flory happy international send nudes day, got any?
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