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Robert Smalls International Academy

a Shitty school, With a bunch of 11-14 year old's that think they are the shit. They think they can rule everyone including the teachers .

Jessica: Hey, do you think my mom should send me to Robert smalls international academy?
Me: FUCK NO! Don't go there. Those kids will tear Ur ass up.

by Yanky9983 July 8, 2022

Boomerang Bros. International Airlines

The competitor for Galaxy Airlines in the Mushroom Kingdom. An airline company with great planes.

Boomerang Bros. International Airlines is the one I use.

by Γαπδθμ Λφπ Δдялειг April 3, 2021

international super-straight day

the worst day ever in history, where all the shitty straights think they're apart of the lgbtq+ community (they aren't), and celebrate transphobia.

it's international super-straight day, this is transphobic and shouldn't be a thing.

by @i_am_ring0 on instagram April 24, 2021

10👍 13👎

International Send Nudes Day

14. October, is the International Send nudes day.

-Send Nudes. -Wtf ew no. -But its International Send Nudes Day

by call me stepbro October 14, 2019

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International kiss a ginger day

On January 12th grab a ginger because no matter where you are it’s time to give them a well deserved kiss

Hey you spawn of Satan has anyone kissed you, yet because it’s international kiss a ginger day you know

by Gingerninja master May 5, 2021

8👍 2👎

international send nudes day

On the international send nudes day(real one)april 20 the custom is that u have to send nudes to people u fell comfortable talking or just hanging out with even if u are not flirting, the only rule is that u cant say no so watch out who finds about this

Hi Flory happy international send nudes day, got any?

by Adam Stanciu April 19, 2018

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International Send Noodles Day

April 18th is the day you send noodles to someone you feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send noodles to would be your, family, friends, colleagues, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy International Send Noodles Day!

*sends noodles to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy International Send Noodles Day to you too!

*sends noodles to Person 1*

by jjleavingonajetplane April 18, 2019

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