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Internet Hobo

A person who has no strong sense of belonging in the "real world" and spends a significant portion of his or her time on-line. By spending time on-line, the internet hobo builds up a network of contacts and virtual hangouts and develops an on-line home, basically by connecting with other internet hobos. (Incidentally, e-bum.com is a place for internet hobos to hang out.)

Your friends all move away or you move to a new city. The people you meet in real life are not your type of people. You work from home or have no real way of making contacts in your everyday life, so you turn to the internet for companionship. You are an internet hobo.

by numberonehobo March 2, 2011

18👍 4👎

Internet Inertia

Usually accompanied by mild insomnia, it is the feeling one has as they try to cease browsing the internet but find they are unable to stop. The result is that one slowly drifts on into the unending space of the web.

Thought #1: I should really go to bed...
Thought #2: No... Just one more link.
Thought #73: Oh god: I've been drifting for 5 hours. A bad case of Internet Inertia tonight.

by Fint March 4, 2012

toaster internet

A online user who decides it's cool to play games when they have the internet speed of a Toaster that is toasting toast.

I'm playing Super Mario Maker 2 Online. But it takes forever, someone has toaster internet

by Tigg-E July 2, 2019

Internet Unicorn

Attractive females in pictures that can be found online, but when it comes to the real world they can never be found.

"Hey man look at this picture, isn't this chick sexy?"

"Dude she's a internet Unicorn"

by Pandrew December 12, 2016

Internet Fart

A internet fart is when you turn on your mic at a unexpected time emitting a strange sound that emulates the passing of gas.

"Kody! Stop Internet Farting!"

by canyoufeelthedaylickingourskin October 13, 2021

Internet Surfer

Beautiful internet person you fall in love with based off of social media. Will probably never create a real meaningful relationship with then

Found a new internet surfer on Instagram today, way out of my league

by Horizontal Time Machine October 25, 2022

Walmart Internet

Internet that is sub par or Shitty as the kids say. Your internet will probably not be working when you're trying to watch internet porn or play the newest installment of Call of Duty.

Guy 1: Hey Fuckin hurry your ass up and get in our game
Guy 2: Sorry my internet sucks

by Killzonebear September 24, 2014