Everywhere at the end of time' was a series exploring dementia,
its advancement and its totality.
My favorite album is Everywhere At The End Of Time!
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The Next Installment of the Avengers and a direct sequel to Avengers Infinity War. The film will follow the events of the surviving Avengers who must find a way to undo the snap and save the fallen. They must make sacrifices and risks in order to achieve their goal. It releases on April 26th, 2019 in America.
Person 1: What movie are you the most excited for/
Person 2: Avengers End Game! I can't wait to see what happens!
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In days of old, before toilet paper and the Sears Roebuck catalog, a stick was used to wipe your rear clean in the outhouse. You had to be sure you grabbed the clean end of the stick, and not the shit end.
It was dark, and my dirty hand showed I had grabbed the shit end of the stick.
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The best ending ever in videogame history, and probably the best ending in general. As featured in The Stanley Parable and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Edition, obtained by doing the hardest thing: stepping into the broom closet.
"OH, DID U GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? THEB ROOM CLOSET ENDING WAS MY FAVRITE!1 XD" -Everyone who was lucky enough to experience the broom closet ending
A. What you say when you say/do something embarrassing in public.
B. Something you say because you actually want to die and it's a signal for help but everyone think it's a joke
A. Random Guy: waves
Me: waves back and then realises it wasn't for me
Also me: end my misery
B. Me: end my misery
Everyone else: lol
Me: tHaNkS fOr ThE eMoTiOnAl SuPpOrT
Those who choose Homosexuality for themselves cannot procreate: two men cannot create a child, two women cannot create a child. Sexually abusing others into homosexuality is not sexual reproduction. As dead end evolution queers' poor moral choices are on the rise. Protect your children!
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the best book ever written. it is funny and scary and awesome. your gay if you havn't read it
i just read john dies at the end, it was great
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