An anime jock is an anime fan who does the following. They hate on weak main characters and talk down on them. You can see them in the comment section on an anime page. they say things like, "the MC is a wuss" "I hate the MC he is so weak." They just expect every main characters to man up and be strong and some would take the worse route expecting the MC to man up and be strong from the get go and shame them otherwise. An anime jock could also be a subtitle nazi shunning on people who honestly prefer dubs. they're like the anime fan's equivalent of the so called "cool" kids we hear about in school.
why do i have the funny feeling that these "Shinji is a wussy and blah blah blah weak MC" comments might have been made by a bunch of anime jocks?
A person that hates on people with Horse Masks or horses in general. They hate horses usually because of past experiences.
Guy 1: That Arty guy has his Jocks On Horses
Guy 2: No kidding! I saw him cussing one out yesterday.
A little British boy with a British accent who drinks very British tea while eating British biscuits like a British man.
Why is he eating like that?
Like what? Like a Jock Polmer?
A kid in Oxford who sneaks into gym class, plays sports, and goes to the weight room. Normally they are annoying. Commonly they say “Aye u goin to the weight room?”
Oh my god that senior is such a Stupid Oxford Jock.
A person that identifies as a DJ (disc jockey), but uses a midi based controller to mix music. Instead of the more conventional commonly used turntables or cdjs.
There were 2 djs,one live act, and a (CJ) control jock in the lineup last night.
Used when describing how one can feel in an unneccesary awkward situation.
Stina: How weird was it when they scolded me for having my period.
Lina: Yeah... that made me feel like a nun in a jock strap!
Jocker Soccer refers to a kick to the nuts when a Jock is harassing or bullying you be it physically, mentally, emotionally or verbally, The result to 'Jock Soccer' a jock is to be bullied by a jock, pantsing them and then kicking them in the nuts at full force.
Tim: Hey Bob, What happened to you and that one Jock?
Bob: Oh, you heard about the fight? I gave him the ol' jock soccer after he punched me.