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Holy Shit Jose

The opposite of Damn Daniel. When Jose brings his dirty ass white vans.

Holy shit Jose! Stay away from me with those dirty ass white vans!

by Holy shit jose May 26, 2022


My girlfriend

"is that josee?"
"Oh you mean my girlfriend? Yeah."

by ?3 July 6, 2022

Jose Cervantes

A real chill kid.
Loves to play with fidget snakes, chains, huge ass key clips, cologne, mobile games, origami, APRIL PACKARD, and many other cool shit.
He a real one you can fw.

Random freshman: Bro wtf! That kid threw a paper airplane into my eye and that shit is bleeding! AHHHHH!
Another random freshman: That nigga was probably Jose Cervantes

by Cincinnatiheaven February 21, 2022

Jose pleby jackson

He luvs Tati

Jose pleby jackson Luvs Tati

by Joselikestati November 22, 2021

jose pedroza

A typical bean you see everywhere. Most often times big and hefty. Most of them are nice people but some can be dumb. Some may even say they look like a rat. Some Jose pedrozas may have bigger tits than your girlfriends.

Brooo where’s jose pedroza at? That foos big he’s everywhere

by ct nation September 6, 2019

Hurricane Jose

When your spinning when Drunk, a joke to the storm that was drunk

Fred: Oh HeY bOb!
Bob: Your Hurricane Jose, I see.

by BillClintonGaming December 29, 2021

jose angel

Name your Latin teacher will use while trying to call your classmates attention in Spain.
You can also use 'Jose Antonio' or 'Jose Carlos' for this.

Jose Angel deja de hablar ya leñe!
-Me llamo José Alberto profano
*Class laughter*

by Sasnixx February 22, 2017