A reference to a man born on 26th September who is extremely funny and well read and eats curries cooked by Cancerian women.
He is so interesting he must be a hungry Libran male.
A pizza male is similar to a spaghetti male, because they're Italian and they can make the two types of Italian foods.
Person 1# What's up bro, heard that you know how to make every pizza! Person 2# Oh cool! Did you just hear? They call me pizza male.
Person 1# So you mean you're the alpha male of pizzas?
Person 2# Yes, it's going to be a new movement for those people who can make every pizza in the world!
An amazing friend, shy, but really funny. He will always make you laugh and cares about your feelings. He is really popular but doesn't act like a b*tch. He will be the one that got away.
Girl 1: There's Jayden (male). He really slipped by me this time.
Girl 2: He really is the one that got away.
A man who is so many that he exists outside of the realm of possibility by choice. He cannot be found on Thursday and can dye his hair blue by choice. This type of male is very awesome and will make women spontaneously combust on sight.
Wow, I wish I was a Bingle Male! I would be so swag.
Someone who thinks they are good at everything, but in reality is just a cocky dick that no one likes.
"Bro I'm soooo good at football!"
"Shut up you Bertie male"
A type of male that is superior to Yogurt and Alpha males. The highest in the male hierarchy. The donut male doesn't feel does not feel insecure about the way he appears publicly and the things he enjoys doing, even though it might not be the most in-trend thing to do, like eating donuts.
Person 1: Look at that overweight man eating his donuts sloppily in public.
Person 2: That's a Donut Male right there. Fully secure with himself and his decisions.
Person 3: Such an inspiring figure for Gen Zs around the world.
A male that knows something that science doesn't... A male that, if put into US currency, would be invaluable or worth billions of dollars but is poor and penniless. A man that deserves a Nobel Prize by his personality alone and by being the best version of humanity to ever have lived; but no one else knows it.
He knows his worth but is very modest about it... She may be loaded, but she is filthy as a person and treats him badly. He may be broke, but he's too good for her because he's a Superb Male.