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Cum Cans

Cum Cans are old beer cans that sit around the house and there sole purpose is to collect semen. This is done for various reasons.

Dude. You are so lucky you work at MidEvil Times so you can have cum goblets. Us broke son of bitches gotta make due with cum cans!

by queen of the unicorn,her grace August 17, 2010

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Canning Tomatoes

A phrase used when an idiot asks what you are doing even though they are standing there watching. Usually used when your doing something obvious.

Bill: The other day I was washing my car and Todd asked what I was doing. I told him I was Canning Tomatoes.

by historymanj July 31, 2011

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Can man

~a slang term for a crack dealer~

Why did u give her any money? u know the Can man has it now~

by Sean A. H. November 19, 2006

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can crusher

"While doing a chick on her back, you stand up, pick her hips off the ground, twist her legs, and drop down into her"

"I told the ho I was into the environment, and then pulled the can crusher"

by mattz62 May 28, 2008

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can of bliss

Can of bliss;something to quench your thurst.something you would say to a drugdealer/friend or someone on the street (if you are secretly wanting cannabis without actually mentioning weed or pot. ) you crippled shit nuts

''hey,does anyone here happen to have a can of bliss''.

by 666David666 January 12, 2006

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The Can-Trick is a method of determining if/when lunch has arrived for the day(at lunch-sponsored firms). An employee will walk with an empty soda can to their company's lunch room to see if lunch has arrived for the day. Using an empty soda can increases the odds exponentially that lunch will actually be there when the attempt is made.

It is 11:30am. I am hungry so I will be attempting the 'Can-Trick' to see if lunch is here. Since I am performing the Can-Trick, lunch is more likely to have arrived.

by mFam November 17, 2006

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Pringles can

What people with too much time on there hands and no money use as the base for a low cost wifi antenna to leach off a distance access point. Particularly effective if done right. Many guides on the internet.

Forumer 1: I need an antenna to steal my schools wifi about 0.5 miles away, direct LoS
Forumer 2: *Inserts Pringles can antenna guide hyperlink* works like a charm been stealing "Linksys" and "Joes wifi" to play world of war craft for 2 years now. Dumb bastards don't secure it.....
Forumer 1: thanks

by Networking_aficianado999 July 22, 2009

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