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Snatchitory Rape

Yes, guys usually take advantage of girls, but this is the opposite. Also, relatable to situations when that certain friend doesn't want to admit to the previous night's blunder.

Friend 1: hey suit, you sleep with that girl last night?
Friend 2: not exactly sure.
Friend 1: ah, we got ourselves a snatchitory rape case.

by InoWHATuDIDlastNIGHT March 2, 2010

hat rape

when to hats rub up against each other pervertedly

hat rape, but for hats

by mental issues February 22, 2013

Controlled Rape

Controlled rape is where two parties consentually agree to create and plan a rape between the parties. This rape is in a controlled environment and both parties know the outcome will be safe and controlled.

"Jane" had a fantasy of being raped, but wanted it done safely where she knew she would not be harmed in a controlled rape environment. So Jane and "John" pre-arranged for John to sneak in her house while she slept and pretend to rape her. Reinacting a real rape scene.

by SweetDane July 28, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

butt rape

Butt sex with someone who actually doesn't want butt sex. Go figure.

At first Bob was being butt raped by the entire prison, but soon turned into butt love.

by Matt September 4, 2003

436๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rape Shower

The act of showering or bathing following a particularly traumatic event in an attempt to wash away all physical and emotional traces of the horror just experienced. Typically effected in a foetal position, huddled in a corner of the shower stall, whilst weeping and limply rubbing a bar of soap over one's body as the scalding hot water mixes with the tears running down one's cheeks.

I'm not saying that this is the absolute goddam f***ing worst job I've ever had in my life, but the first thing I'm doing after I quit is go home to take a rape shower.

by pchr100 December 4, 2010

95๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

raped in the face

Having a penis shoved in your face,


Feeling really sad or betrayed.

I can't believe she did that to me, I fell like I have been raped in the face!

by lmaoathamelt2 January 18, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

nape rape

The action of breathing heavily down the nape of someone's neck with the intention of creeping them out or inducing a freak out/panic attack.

As soon as I took my hood down, my friend behind me nape raped me and I flipped out.

It's hard to nape rape girls because they often have long hair, concealing the vulnerable area of the neck.

by Ellimton November 30, 2010

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