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lava juiced

When an astronaut jizzes in another astronauts helmit to make it look like a lava lamp inside.

"Dude, do you think Neil Armstrong ever got lava juiced?"

"What the fuck is wrong is you? But yeah he probably did."

by Jaysaac chobes January 22, 2013

Juice Bottom

When one has taken multiple loads of jizz in their anal cavity from one or more partner’s during the course of a day or evening. A connotation of being a hungry bottom and promiscuous anal sex fiend.

Frank is a juice bottom.

I hooked up with Rachel late last night. She served me up a juice bottom. So I must have been third or forth of the night.

by Eaton Holgoode February 2, 2018

nut juicing

Testicles that are stimulated and massaged to the point of ejaculation.

My girl gave me a nut juicing last night that blew my load across the room.

by Ballboy October 25, 2017

bex juice

An alcoholic beverage containing beer, lemonade, mango margarita mix, blue raspberry vodka, and sometimes water/ice. It was invented at Project Bex.

Woah, I think I drank too much bex juice last night!

by Bex8522 May 8, 2017

Cheek Juice

The icky build up of greasy man oil that is left on cell phone after talking for an extended period of time.

"ah man you got cheek juice all over my phone"

by Hello Clarise April 24, 2008

lesbian juice

Lemon-lime Gatorade

Tom: did you see zoey drinking lesbian juice?
Jerry: what’s lesbian juice?
Tom: it’s another name for lemon-lime Gatorade.
Jerry: why is lemon-lime Gatorade called lesbian juice?
Tom: cause that’s what lesbians drink, duhhhh.

by Buttsweatlol March 30, 2021

shuffle juice

When you buy a drink at a bar, proceed to walk to the dance floor, pour some of the drink you just bought onto the floor, for the sole purpose of creating a surface with which shuffle upon.

Hey Harrison, sweet shuffling bro!

Thanks, it's all down to the shuffle juice I just spent £4 on.

by Dean Windass December 16, 2015