Slang for sexual intercouse, ie pop tart being the penis and oven being the vagina, the inside of the pop tart being gooey and the oven being warm adding to the imagery of the sexual innuendo
*fuckboi making a move on a very wasted girl at a club* hey Brittany let's put the pop tarts in the oven *proceeds to take Britany to his bed and put his penis in her vagina*
When you burp while wearing a face mask
There were to many onions on my burger ,after returning to work I belch ovened myself.
When you discreetly fluff a fart or toot under the blankets then unfurl it into your partners face. Upon impact you stab (or Staub) her in eye with your dick. This can only be accomplished with a raging boner.
She would have kissed me good night if not for the Dutch Oven Staub I unleashed.
The act of stuffing a girls vagina full of onions, and then proceeding to eat her out until all the onions are gone.
Luke: Hey man, have you seen the onions around?
Tyler: Ya, sorry! I was cookin' onions in the oven with my gf last night!
Someone who cannot catch a ball to save his/her life but is still hot as fuck anyway.
*(Billy doesn’t catch ball)* “Billy is such a brick oven. He should just die, but he’s cute so never mind. No homo!”
A place where children are born.
Ayo! I just walked into the oven where i was born!
A metal box, but you use it to cook.
Mat: "Is my food ready?"
Jacob: "Nah, I kinda burnt it in the oven."