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Prison Kebab

When you take a dump into a newspaper and then wrap it with a view of throwing it at someone. It makes for one terrifying projectile.

Alex: This guy is taking so long to finish the task, I don’t know how to speed this up.
Tim: Say no more, I’ll pay his house a visit with a Prison Kebab.

by TimboSlice85 February 12, 2024


When someone (against your will) locks you in your own personal internal prison whilst they carry on a (mostly one-sided) conversation you cannot exit from.

Every Friday, without fail, Creepy Steve sits at my bar and puts me in talk-prison.

by KorFow January 13, 2022

Prison Language

Terminology that The Cabbie Homicide writer used when he addressed Gaahl when he was using the n-bomb and learned that the American Black Metal con man might had conned one of his relatives who was featured in Wall Street Journal. It's implied the language is stronger than double homicide taunting as this stems from the selling of wolf tickets. Some terms in prison language are slurs at particular gang members as it does employ Spanish terms, as each prison gang has their own terminology. Watch Lockup and you will pick up on it. Some of the terms are hard insults on Blood and the other their rival (as these two are gangs in Los Angles.) There are some prison slang born out of Iowa Department of Corrections as in they dragged one out of the sandbox. Then you have the term sliming which according to Lockup is when an inmate uses a combination of their own water and fecal matter mimicking behavior of other primates (see the behaviour of chimpanzees in captivity when being handed a banana.) I had heard classmates use the term gump on some other kids as we were not talking Forrest Gump as it's a prison term for donut-puncher.

Fandom Wank -- the psycho who laid into us in his book was using tons of intense hard language.

Another -- I never heard these terms before.

Fandom Wank -- some of who watched Oz might heard the term prison language. It's coded language where it combines profanity, ethnic language that's an insult, or implying one is a chomo.

by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018

prison server

A server you get sent to when you cheat. It is used as an alternative punishment to banning players and contains cheaters only.

My friend used an aimbot to win but he was caught and sent to a prison server.

by ManBlo January 2, 2019

prison nuggets

When you have the link in the pen for

Micky D's but they have been shoved down multiple men's pants in order to get to your cell, hence the term (prison nuggets)

Yo you wanna spit some prison nuggets my dowg

by Allthewayup October 14, 2017

russian prison

when you’re low key trying to say she’s a hoe....

omg, she’s been through a russian prison!”

by itztayler November 9, 2017

prison port

"Prison port" refers to the anal canal, penetrated during sexual activity by inmates serving time in prison. "Port" is used because inserting the penis into the anal canal is similar to inserting a headphone jack, USB connector, or some other data access interface into the port of a computer.

Cover your prison port around this guy. He likes the pretty boys.

by Ehnea Mehk April 14, 2024