Source Code


VERB, Meaning to: promise to meet up only to (at the last minute) make up a false and clearly absurd excuse

Bob: I hear Tiffany is going to pass through tonight
Frank: Yo i havent seen her since college!
Marie: Tiffany just called she said she was on her way but her car just broke into pieces!
Bob: I think tiffany is pulling-a-van!

by Semtex1010 January 26, 2014

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pull a Texas

1) To leave/secede from a group

2) To ditch one's friends

Made in reference to Texas's governor threatening to secede from the United States over the recent healthcare reform.

"Wowww, look at Mike over there, just pullin' a Texas. Errands my ass."

Dave: "Hey guys -- I know we were gonna have lunch and all, but my girl called, and..."
Marquis: "Of course. Classic Dave. He WOULD go off and pull a Texas on the guys for his lame girlfriend"

by Wild_Bill102 March 26, 2010

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Pulling a Blitz

1. Baiting someone in saying you'll do something "someday, eventually or maybe" and then never doing it.

2. Starting something and then immediately quitting, no exceptions.

"I will stream eventually" - The name giving Blitznae pulling a Blitz, followed by it never happening.

by Flupperich October 13, 2016

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Pull a Panda

When you fall from a short distance and still break your legs.

Yo what happened?
I pulled a panda man. Iโ€™m in a wheelchair now.

Hey can you not pull a panda? We need to get going.

by Hernicus December 19, 2021

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Pulling a Banning

The art of annoying the absolute hell out of someone for the pure enjoyment of watching their faces explode shortly after.

"Why's little Johnny being so difficult today?" "Oh don't worry miss, he's just pulling a Banning.."

"If you don't stop pulling a Banning you'll be doing your own washing next week.."

by frank_sinatra September 4, 2011

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Pulled a Salvail

The action to randomly pull out your penis as a part of a show of dominance during a work meeting. Can also apply to surprising a colleague with your exposed genitals during seemingly unimportant work situations.

The person in a position of authority during a meeting: "Do you want to know what I think of your idea?"
*Proceeds to pull out penis from pants*
Colleague after the meeting: "Damn he totally pulled a Salvail during the meeting!"

by ThE_NoMaDsOuL285 October 18, 2017

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Pulling A Tanim

Collapse for no apparent reason in a dorky fashion

Oops! I'm pulling a tanim, now ima die.

by Falcon Fyre December 2, 2014

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