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a bigtime drugdealer....someone you buy large quantities of drugs from.

A drugdealer who sells drugs to other dealers.

A drugdealer with a never ending supply.

Tim - "Can u help me score half a key of brown?"
Tom - "No, I havenยดt heard from my tap since he went to amsterdam.

by UrkTheMan December 17, 2007

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like tap

Like a love tap, but when you only like the person, not love

I didn't hit you, it was a like tap

by Plurmaid May 17, 2014

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A light slap, qualified by momentum, of the dick on the back of the head. An unfortunately low, leap--frog.

Did that just happen? Yeah that he just Dick-tapped me.

by Honeywine December 10, 2016

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bum tap

To put simply the quick tapping of another blokes arse in a non-sexual way, often used as friendship/masculinity building, the bum tap is a common trope in senior rugby normally used to congratulate a successful play, a ploy to encourage one's teammate/ get someone moving or as an introductory action to a conversation.

Successful attempts may be met with such responses as
"Good contact!"
"Solid Hit!"
"How are we boys" -(When introducing oneself)

Attempts may be as hard as the user intends however too soft of a hit may throw the tapper's sexuality into question, or create direly awkward situations.

The Golden Rule however is, Do. Not. Hold. Ever.
No matter what. Nor squeeze.

Bloke 1: "Man Dougan's such a queer kent"
Bloke 2: "Why's that?"
Bloke 1: "On the pitch he gave a bum tap, and held!"
Bloke 2: "The fuck mate, that is not alright"
Bloke 1:"Ay"

by Ayyylien June 7, 2016

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fanny tap

when you go up to someone and back hand them in the VAGINA!. And makes it itch.

"i gave Meghan the biggest fanny tap today."

by pseudonymmmmmmmljkgjjifthdydty August 22, 2008

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The spinal tap

When the guy is taking his partner from behind in either hole he tells his partner

"I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!"
While saying this he brings down his elbow in their back thus creating a spinal tap.

"Dude, last night Tammy and I were doing the dirty and she was getting pretty wild. I totally performed the spinal tap."

by Wilmer Fudd March 9, 2010

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peen tap

a male getting hit in the testicles

jake peen tapped me

by blake davies May 21, 2004

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