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Ava graff

The most beautiful person in the world. everyone wants to be her. she is very athletic and at the same time very creative. she has the sweetest heart anyone could have and she will always treat you right. although her life may not be all sunshine and rainbows she manages to work through it and get good grades. she is very social. she has all different types of friends of all shapes and sizes. ava graff is the most loyal, trustworthy, and respectful human being on the earth. you should treat her with care and respect because she won’t take someone who doesn’t try as hard as she does to please someone. although she isn’t the prettiest she has the prettiest green/blue eyes and best personality!! we love ava graff!!

omg there is ava graff!! she looks so gorgeous today!!

by hottywithabody24 May 6, 2019

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ava bofia

A rude wanna be girl, who thinks she better than everyone else. She's a fake to people, and a backstabber, and a person who throws you under the bus.

Ava Bofia is a wanna be girl.

by Kaley mabrome October 21, 2017

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ava violetta

my bestieeeeeee oml she’s the best person ever and she deserves amazing things ❀️❀️

Ava Violetta is the best person ever oml

by hehe hola ._. January 22, 2019

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Ava Mari

A term used in the Philippines for a beautiful maiden that is of chinese descent.

Similar terms : "Ava", "Wowie", "Wawut"

Wow you're so Ava Mari today...

Hey I saw the most beautiful Ava Mari at the mall...

I can't help but fall in love with that Ava..

by Jollibee June 22, 2012

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Ava-grace is a blonde beauty with a face full of freckles, perfect blue ponds for eyes. She is a crazy lovable character with the loudest personality you've ever heard. She's not afraid to embarrass herself for a good laugh, Avas tends to attract Jannas and Rebeccas. Even though she can hold a grudge nobody can ever stay mad at her. Usually Avas are raised in large families with many birds, cats , dogs and her favorite horses.

Wow that Ava-grace is crazy

Oliver: Damn is that an Ava, cause she just tackled a dude
Jake: Back off man she's mine #readynotready

Ava: Hella no bi*ches Ima free woman

by Janna123puppykitten November 2, 2017

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Ava Dwyer

An absolute waster and a freak, she also enjoys following people around and smelling them.

Dude this smelly bitch keeps following me and stuff, Shes a total Ava Dwyer

by Karen McChord Bayubs November 8, 2009

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Ava Sheridan

Ava Sheridan is a stupid cow who is extremely annoying yet is great craic tobe around she also has the best bff ever ella

There goes Ava Sheridan hitting Ella with a banana again .
Stop falling it's like your pulling an Ava Sheridan

by Halloween ghost October 31, 2016

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