It's a rule for the range of people you can date.
If you are 99 years old...
99*(2/3)+7 = 73
73 - 99 years is the range of people you can date younger than you.
10 years = 10-13.6
14 years = 14-16.3
16 years = 16-17.6
18 years = 18-19
20 years = 20-20.3
30 years = 27-30
50 years = 40.3-50
99 years = 73-99
You can't date her, she's 33 and you 23... use the "two-thirds-your-age-plus-six" rule dude.
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A dinosaur that loves to be ridden *smirk* NOT THAT WAY SILLY *laughs ass off* now I don’t have an ass *cries in dinosaur* these dinosaurs were often gay and loved doing little girls they also had no ass like me cavemen would ride them to their work like in the flintstones
Wow what’s that with no ass riding six little girls
Why that’s a kalidescope slay slay bark bark renegade the third.
Religious person: imagine a third testament- what would you add?
Me: Imagine a third testicle- How would you cum?
Imagine a third testicle- How would you cum?
7👍 5👎
Dot warner from Animaniacs’ full name, damn that’s a long fucking name
“I’m Princess Angelina contessa Louisa Francesca banana fanna bo besca the third, but you can call me Dot!”
When you only hear something recently, but you think it's pretty funny so you include it.
Peace Out
1. Goodbye
2. (intransitive verb) to leave or retire
3. (transitive verb) to kill
Note: I only heard the third meaning recently, but I thought it was pretty funny so I've included it.
1. "Yeah, see you then, peace out."
2. "Yo I gotta peace out, I'm tired."
3. "I just peaced out that spider with my shoe."
by anonymous Oct 20, 2003
16👍 20👎
To be immature
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you need to sit in the third row back.
Same as becoming a third wheel but in the company of another who prefers to text/converse with someone else than you. Typical occurrence for 'besties' which one of them recently got engaged in a relationship.
A: Saw you riding train next to the popular chick, how'd it go?
B: Boring. I got Digitally third wheeled the whole ride.
(A: Digi-wha..?
B: a 'Digital Third Wheel' is- Same as becoming a third wheel but in the company of another who prefers to text/converse with someone else than you.
A: Dang that sucks..)