When a limp penis is inside an ass or vagina and then gets erect with such girth that is causes bruising to legs, thighs and ass resembling purple shorts
I just gave that girl purple shorts.
When your partner fucks you agressivly over a long period of time and the majority of your blood flow around your vaginal lips become purple in color and dry.
"Oh Shit! You're giving me a purple oyster!"
A political party in between liberal and republican (red+blue=purple) where everyone minds their damn business. Human rights are heavily prioritized among the members.
Period I’m part of the purple party.
A beverage consisting of cough syrup and lemonade. This is usually specific to muddy lean. If the lean is mixed right it will be called pink lemonade. Also, the affects of purple lemonade are much worse than pink lemonade. These drinks don't necessarily contain any lemonade, but they can.
Ey cuz the purple lemonade makes me sick, mix it pink if you can
When you get swole AF, and she can't handle it.
"Jason came at me with his purple package, and now I can barely walk today."