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Urban Dictionary


| ur·ban dic·tio·nary |

: an online lexicon containing free and uncensored info about the meanings, pronunciations, uses and origins of words everyone is thinking about yet not saying out loud... and not just about words the Censurers want you to know.

By hyperlinking a comment, my friend Flanje -unknowingly- introduced me to the internet gem that Urban Dictionary is.

by frenioz00 February 22, 2020

urban dictionary

a bunch of dumbasses on a website making weird definitions that will end up in a video eventually

hey lets make funny words on urban dictionary and show our friends

by W.R.C July 2, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A place where people try way to hard to be funny by bringing inside jokes and making up words that make no sense where there are perfectly fine alternatives already in the English language. Most definitions will probably be sex related

User: Hmm, what's something that describes the feeling of wanting to fuck someone but you can't get yo dick hard? Oh i have an idea, i'll call it "Soft Dick blues!".. Ill add that to the urban dictionary!!!

Response: yeah, dude, it's called erectile dysfunction because you watch too much porn

by Kanye Yeast November 3, 2018

Urban Dictionary

A website where white kids, who either only listen to J. Cole or Lil Yachty, post wrong definitions and think all black people are stupid. They say "mumble rappers destroyed this generation" off their iPhone sitting in their suburban home.

A:Hey Cody what's a Percocet

B:Go on Urban dictionary bro , that's where all of us hood people go

by Migo_X March 13, 2017

Urban Dictionary

This shitty place
yet we go on here for no reason besides fun.

the urban dictionary is ridiculous

by .exe has stopped working March 7, 2017

Urban Dictionary

Wikipedia for autistics.

I am a Rick&Morty fan so I can't decide between Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary

by choking1337 April 19, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A place where you take a word and put your own opinion as the definition.

Urban Dictionary - That place where you look up your name and feel good about yourself

Justin Bieber - The worst singer ever

Xbox - Fucking horrible

PS3 - Sucks dick

PC - Fanbase thinks they're the best

by qwerty qwerteh August 12, 2013