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cities of gold

bizarre european/badly dubbed cartoon that never ended.
involved a load of spaniards running about south america looking for el dorado. they never found it and it all got a bit wierd with a Atlantis/was god an astronaut type stuff. There was a really annying kid in it with a mouth like a monkeys who used to shout "Estaban! Estaban!" when ever he got scared

by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

gold record

pee in your pants, usually your own. often a messy byproduct of unrestrained and blazing laughter. or you might actually have a disorder, in which case you probably don't laugh.

I put my pants on like you... one leg at a time. But when my pants are on i make gold records.

by k84now February 17, 2007

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Gold Coin

A condom, especially a Trojan Magnum or anything else that has a golden package.

"So I caught Jimmy checking his wallet today. That guy has too many gold coins in there."

"I told ya. I swear he's screwing some chick every night."

by kulade5 July 22, 2012

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Gold fishing

The act of "gold fishing" is define as, when a person who has just pour water containing one more "Gold Fish" in ones anus and removes them by anal insertion of some kind.

"Hey why is my floor wet ?"

"Sorry,I was Gold Fishing"

by pseudonym_Liqour January 31, 2016

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Gold Rush

The wonderful feeling you get after consuming a large amount of Goldschlager, a cinamin schnaps drink that contains real 24k gold chips inside of the drink.

Gold rush this weekend?

Hell yeah.

by Chris Haas November 8, 2005

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Fools Gold

A bowl of resin that is covered with kif in order to trick your friends.

My friend frowned as he realized that he was smoking fools gold.

by Bound to the flo October 27, 2009

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fool's gold

A Forum Run by Aaron.

FG's server is running as slow as shit AS USUAL.

by jimbob jones August 14, 2003

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