An insurance company will pay you a 'go away 10k' for a car accident no questions asked in order to sign away your claims .
Got rear ended last night.
Should get your go away 10k.
A saying coined by greatest service industry professional alive! Commonly used when someone needs to calm down, chill, or “aerate” themselves.
You need a breath of fresh air. Go decant yourself!
bypassed version of "go girl" used by 13 year old "baddies" on roblox to make fun of younger / older people who dont move
xx_emobaddie_xx: go g14l!!
mrflimflam: "go g fourteen?" what?
Upon completion, the condom is ripped off of the males penis and the ejaculate is slurped out as if it was a go-gurt.
She couldnt possibly wait any longer, she needed that seed. She ripped the condom off and go-gurted like she never has before.
Originally used for when a man knowingly had sex with a girl, who he knew had some type of std (sexually transmitted disease). He would wear a condom for protection, but the "risk" is that it might fail.
More commonly used when referring to dating (or just having casual sex) with someone you know you will have problems with in the future. The "risk"is the aftermath of the relationship.
"I was going risky with my math tutor class last night, but I think she wants a real relationship. That's gonna be a problem"
Alternative use of the phrase "go big or go home"
Schould not be used in family friendly matters
Family Friendly: If you go on the treadmill, go big or go home. *falls off treadmill" i guess i'll go home then.
Alternative: If you go on the treadmill, go big or suck dick. *falls off treadmill" ...