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Pump and Go

The process of driving a car on the highway and not keeping a constant pressure on the gas. The driver gets up to speed, take their foot off for a bit, and then accelerates again.

"Man, your Dad is really a pump and go driver on the highway."

by Scarp September 4, 2006

25 Going On 16

adj.- A young adult who acts like a teenager. Typical when said person has the most insane squad on the planet.

Girls all like: My brother is 25 going on 16.

by BabydollDame22 July 27, 2016

To go to Dublin

To be in Dublin or to go to Dublin(originally used in German) describes a person being high. It finds it's origin in Dublin, when a few Austrian Students met a drug dealer and stoner, who offered them "chocolate caramel", which was a specific type of drug.
The joint itself is called "ticket to Dublin"

Julian: Man Id love to go to Dublin today, you joinin me?
Jonas: Sure, ill get the tickets and we're gonna have much fun!

by Dublin_Johnny May 30, 2018

you be go

friend with bad gay

none you be go

by mahmood-ahmadinejad joon December 17, 2008

Going Chad

Going Naked, Being Naked...using any excuse to lose your clothes and run free

Also known as Going Pablo.

The kids jumped out of the tub and I told them to get dressed and come down because dinner is ready. "Screw that mom, We're going Chad."

We hiked to the summit of Mount Bros and some dude was on top drinking High Life and going Chad.

I can't wait for this day to end...My boss won't stop nagging. All I want to do is get home, go Chad, and fire up the xbox.

I keep feeding this chick Tequila and I'm worried she's gonna get blasted way before I can get her home and go Chad.

by l0udpipes November 13, 2012

Are you going to the moon?

It is a famous saying of a Mathematics teacher in La Salle College, Hong Kong. He used it to express his dissatisfaction on students who packed their school bags before the bell even rings. In normal conditions, it can be used to question someone who is going away to obviously nowhere for the purpose of avoiding something deliberately.

30 secs till bell rings, random student packs his bag.
Teacher: are you going to the moon?

by oqwidflksdfhs December 19, 2022

I’m going to be a failure

I’m never going to get anything. I might as well think about ending this life. I have no job skills. I’m way out of luck

I’m going to be a failure.

by confused cajun man January 24, 2021