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selfish cunt

someone that breaks up with someone and then gets mad when they sleep with someone else

“i’m mad at you because i broke up with you and you slept with someone”
“you’re being a selfish cunt”

by robious middle school February 15, 2025

Military Grunt Cunt

A very annoying foot soldier in the military

Jim never listen to the Commanders advice he would always like to go Rogue so he was known around the camp as a Military Grunt Cunt

by EmJayee October 5, 2017

cocky cunt of a teacher

my tuters a retared cunt

fuck you ann ling ur a slag cocky cunt of a teacher

by sexyplayboy2121 February 25, 2021


A down right scallywag skeezer ass bucket mouth low life nothing ass no good stankin beeeeitch.

That girl is nothing more than a despicable smut-cunt
skank skeezer skallywag bitch slut whore skank

by ktrthetruth February 5, 2015

Cunt strap

A cunt strap is amazing word for a females underwear

As men struggle to determine what you call female underwear there is now a word you are welcome
Creater : Dylan the big cock friend
Also Teoman you stink u cat piss prick

“Hey sue what’s that in your drawer
“Oh it’s my new cunt strap

by The abuse bastard October 5, 2019

tit the cunt

When you reboot a server or computer

Billybob: Dennis my server doesn't seem to be responding where do I start?
Dennis: Please tell me you have already tit the cunt, I can't deal with your level of stupidity any more!

by Go55y May 13, 2021

Cunt house

4009 Garrison Blvd Baltimore Maryland 21215. Festering domme doos and flatdrols residents.

The corner cunt house.

by Seitan June 20, 2021