someone that breaks up with someone and then gets mad when they sleep with someone else
“i’m mad at you because i broke up with you and you slept with someone”
“you’re being a selfish cunt”
A very annoying foot soldier in the military
Jim never listen to the Commanders advice he would always like to go Rogue so he was known around the camp as a Military Grunt Cunt
fuck you ann ling ur a slag cocky cunt of a teacher
A down right scallywag skeezer ass bucket mouth low life nothing ass no good stankin beeeeitch.
That girl is nothing more than a despicable smut-cunt
skank skeezer skallywag bitch slut whore skank
A cunt strap is amazing word for a females underwear
As men struggle to determine what you call female underwear there is now a word you are welcome
Creater : Dylan the big cock friend
Also Teoman you stink u cat piss prick
“Hey sue what’s that in your drawer
“Oh it’s my new cunt strap”
When you reboot a server or computer
Billybob: Dennis my server doesn't seem to be responding where do I start?
Dennis: Please tell me you have already tit the cunt, I can't deal with your level of stupidity any more!
4009 Garrison Blvd Baltimore Maryland 21215. Festering domme doos and flatdrols residents.