Source Code


Six contestants are transported to “The Plane” to compete in a competition for a wish for anything they want. Simple enough.

oh yea its also a object show


by harhsydhdg April 20, 2021


is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one
No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two

It's just no good anymore since you went away
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
It's just no good anymore since you went away
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One...! (one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do)
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker December 3, 2020


I Am The One

I Am The One

by Jeune Homme June 11, 2021


Worry I do…
All the what ifs
That make my head spin…
All the words I have written for you…

What if them you never see…
Probably a few I would be okay with them never to be..
It has been a rough ride these past weeks…
As if I am on a trampoline…
Up then down…

Up then down…
How I love the ups

I remind myself…
The what ifs matter none…
As my love for you…
Can never be undone…

Posts or no posts…
I love you…
The most…

Faith I just have to have…
If not for tomorrow…
For the tomorrows yet to come…
Somedaywe will be one❤️❤️❤️

by 😃 are contagious 😃 January 8, 2024

5👍 10👎


A multiplicative identity of a semiring. For a semiring R, 1 is defined as an element so that for every a being an element of R:
1⊗a = a⊗1 = a

Min-tropical semiring is a semiring (ℝ ∪ {+∞}, ⊕, ⊗) with ⊕ defined as min, and ⊗ defined as the addition of two numbers. By that definition, zero is +∞, and one is 0

by Xwtek May 28, 2020


Ah bitch dat talk to too many niggas

Ha lil ass ONE

by Main cappa December 4, 2020


you are one


by bruhpepo November 22, 2021