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Sampson Fish

A sexy fish found in the tropical waters of Heron Island. Commonly found with the Bellarachie sucker fish.

Oh look there's a Sampson fish over there!

by MagicMirrie December 21, 2014

Dead Fish

Person who lays in bed without doing anything during sex.

He is real cute but in bed he's a dead fish!

by Xander October 30, 2003

332πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

fish taco

a nasty pussy

oh my god!! that looks like you wiped forward!!!

by Anonymous April 27, 2003

634πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

double fish

To Fish, the act of fishing another
To purse your lips in a kissing fashion while your partner is not prepared, not wanting the kiss, talking, too far, etc.

double fish: both parties of the kiss fish

the couple double fished when monica told them the teacher was coming down the hall

by cuntastic nancy fan May 1, 2008

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fish biscuit

A term for reward that doesn't match up to build-up and or effort required to obtain it.

The term is derived from the Season 3 premiere of LOST, where an incarcerated Saywer spends most of the episode solving an elaborate puzzle only to be rewarded with a fish-shaped biscuit.

That whole season of Dallas was a dream? What a fish biscuit.

I worked 75 hours a week for 3 months to win the proposal and my boss gives me a $15 gift card to Wicks 'n Sticks? What a fish biscuit.

by Psychoag October 6, 2006

93πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

jobs a fish

used when you've done a good job or you are happy with something

you have just finished your day at work. 'Jobs a fish'

by Tom Parkinson May 4, 2004

69πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Flirty Fishing

Flirty Fishing

Flirty Fishing (FFing) was a form of religious prostitution practiced by the Children of God/The Family cult from 1974 until it was officially discontinued in 1987 (due, in part, to the AIDS scare). Its etymology can be traced to Matthew 4:19 where Jesus says "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Flirty Fishing was a subset of The Family's love bombing activities and involved the use of sexual attraction and intercourse to win converts and favors. Female members were told to be "God's whores" and "hookers for Jesus", and soon after its launch as a method of witnessing, sex was given to complete strangers in combination with a request for a "donation", or for a required fee in line with Escort Servicing (ESing) or freelance ESing. FFing and prostitution was widely used as a way to raise money for the cult and resulted in many of the second generation births (known as "Jesus Babies"). Internal Family records from 1988 indicate that over 223,000 "fish" were loved sexually between 1978 and 1988

Q: "What is Flirty Fishing" Many of you asked for a definition and what should be reported as actual FF'ing.
A: We would like to answer that FF'ing is going out witnessing the love of Jesus with the serious intent to use sex or sex appeal as the bait, regardless of the situation or place. This can be anywhere!–On the street, in a park, while going to the local store, in discotheques or in clubs!

Q: Does "Loved Sexually" also include kissing and light petting?
A: We suggest you only include masturbation, sucking and actual intercourse in the figures of fish, mate, brother or sister loved sexually. It's all, or nothing at all! Hallelujah!

by Deathrow_nzl February 8, 2007

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