Source Code

Transformers 2

movie with the worst plot in 2009. very expensive special effects every 5 secounds, no scene longer than 2 secounds, idiotic dialogs, main actor is no longer the main figure but his mom, this retarded special agent or maybe the random fag from the college, some autobots get a idiotic image because they talk nothing else but shit all the time. and so on...
i was sad to see how the oportunity for a great movie was throwen away. this movie could have been epic. i mean... even superbad was more serious than this shit. seriously WHAT THE FUCK!

when i saw transformers 2 in the cinema, i was like wtf is this shit -.- and there was a fucking moron next to me who lauged at every single lame joke in the movie. epic fail!

by 23512322322 July 13, 2009

91πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Diablo 2

Hack and Slash game made by Blizzard. Highly addictive.

Player assumes the role of any one of seven different combat classes: Amazon, Assassin, Necromancer, Barbarian, Paladin, Sorceress or Druid. You distribute stat points and skill points as you level up and complete quests. Eventually when you make it to Hell difficulty the fun begins and you have to play smarter.

The online aspect allows players to move faster through the game.("rushing", "cow levels", "baal runs") So having to do the same quests over and over with new characters is usually not a problem online. Also you can play with real life friends, which is very fun, that is until a rare armor drops and then hell breaks loose.

Dueling others is usually kinda lame as there is always some young punk griefer who's played for years and has godly equipment that his level 15 uses to kill your level 50 in the blink of an eye. Also hardly anyone knows how to enjoy dueling or listens to specific rules(like no potions).

(I recommend at least giving the game a try. It should be very cheap in any local store, or you can order it online.

Javazon_ZapUrAzz defeated NovaNecro_BoneUrAzz easily, but couldn't even touch TeleBarb_AxeUrAzz. Then Hammerdin_ZealUrAzz showed up and owned all three of them.

by TrapperSin_ShockUrAzz August 22, 2005

66πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A day raping shift worked at any job

i had to work 2-10 on Saturday, i have no life

by RustyT March 28, 2004

30πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

March 2

national twerking day ! buss down !!

β€œMarch 2 is emily’s birthday , on national twerking day !”

by hoebag420 October 18, 2019

65πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Everquest 2

A highly addictive, entertaining MMORPG where you pick a race and class, and advance in adventure level, acheivement level, and tradeskill level. No longer just for nerds, dorks, men, ect...

Many females, I being one, play this game for fun in their spare time. Due to the ever expanding increase in gaming over the past few years (2003-2006) and the demand for quality gaming experiences, the gaming community has expand far beyond what was once only virgin scraggly nerds with no lives. (though I tend to disagree with this statement as I have been a "gamer" since I was very young...Atari and Nintendo will never be a disapointment :P)

People need to realize that Everquest players arent nerds with no lives...but rather a community of people with OCD and a few spare hours here and there.

"I just bought Everquest 2, and everyone keeps thinking I am a guy. Girls, and not bad looking ones at that mind you, play games too. Just look at the Frag Dolls."

by Lauren... May 12, 2006

60πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Socom 2

A fun game that isnt in first person (halleluia)

One of the many games that is 100 times better than Halo.

Socom 2 is a great game

by HALO SUX November 11, 2004

187πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

diablo 2

A MMORPG type game made by Blizzard intended to frustate players into addiction. The game provides a friendly online environment where people curse, annoy, scam and beg each other all for the sake of items. The goal of the game is to level characters and equip them with skillful items, which help kill monsters faster for more items which in turn provides more characters with abilities acquire better items. Gameplay usually results in prolong periods without food, sleep or trips to the bathroom. Can be attributed to social, behavioral and academial problems. Players who quit out of boredom usually suffer relapse after rest.

hardcore diablo 2 player: OMG!!1 i just found a perfect gf!@#
non diablo 2 player: huh? really she hooked up with you??
hardcore diablo 2 player: huh? wtf?
non diablo 2 player: that hot chic from the gym?
hardcore diablo 2 player: uh.. nvm
non diablo 2 player: ??

(gf is an acrynom for grandfather, a rare sword in the game)

by I-I0I30 October 25, 2005

77πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž