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Your chance at getting a date and your self esteem level.

Do I even need this box? 0

by Zapar496 November 11, 2017


The amount of friends you have
The number that is nothing

It is not negative it is not positive

You have 0 friends

by N0Friends? December 20, 2022


The amount of brain cells that a 'crypto bro' or 'NFT investor' has.

"Hey did you see Antonio with his $450,000 Bitcoin wallet?"

"Yeah, it's already depreciated to $1.12. He is the definition of 0."

by Ahoon June 20, 2022


the number of friends you have.

you have 0 friends.

by Chicken rider May 22, 2023


Number of women Joe Biden has
you cannot lie he is a man hoe

Joe Biden is a man hoe with no women
0: means no women with Biden

by chingchongbingbong from china May 1, 2023


my productivity all the time basically
and probably the amount of friends I have

I have 0 friends :(

by ihavenofriendshelpme August 31, 2018


How many girls your going to date


by Imaarealperson. December 8, 2021