A comical way of saying the worst community of all time (Aka the MAP community)
Libtard npc: iF yOu'Re NoT gAy, ThEn DoN't TaLk To Me!!!
Chad Wojak: stfu nobody gives a shit about the "L"gbt +p
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A political ideology first coined by Martincitopants on Jan 22, 2022 it is the middle of authoritarian left/right and libertarian left/right.
Class Pretension: what extremist political ideology do you subscribe to?
Martincitopants: Up here? No, Maybe here? No, Over here? No, How About Here? No. *smacks lips* I like it right here (music starts) G R I L L
Shorthand for "would you rather lick my balls or kick my balls?"
Bob: L or K?
Alice: Ew, definitely K.
Bob's friend: Oof
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1. Lyons, Colorado
2. The worst place ever
3. Home to Lyons High School which has gotten OWNED by Erie High School in 20009 track
4. A place that is actually pretty legit most of the time
5. Home of Scott Leiding the greatest Track and Field coach ever
Cody Smith, don't go to Sector L on a senior camping trip
Erie beat Sector L...What else is new...
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L-plates are square signs with a red "L" at the center. They are placed on cars in Britain to show that the person driving is inexperienced (the "L" is short for "learner"). People also jokingly attach these signs to their clothing before they get married, to show that they are beginners in marriage
Yesterday I got my driver's license but I'm not a good driver. Can't you see my L-plate on my car?
Just the fact that I don't blame myself I'll wear a L-plate on my suit so the people know that I'm inexperienced.
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Hip-Hop / R&B artist and local beatmaker / producer from the New Orleans / MDV area. This artist has gained acclaim due to his multifarious production abilities ranging from hard core rap to R&B reminiscent of the early motown sound. he is currently working on his debut album entitled "Lifestyles of the broke and ghetto".
"Hey, you heard that new track from L-Treezy called (the real thing)"
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It means "Like and Comment" on Instagram.
Instagrammer: "Yo I just posted be sure to subscribe to my profile and gives a thumbs up on my picture! L + C!"
Other person: "Okay bro, I subbed to your profile and followed your channel and gave you a thumbs up! Anything else you want me to do?"
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