Nigel Reo-Coker is a football (soccer) player in England. As of June 2007 he plays for Premiership team West Ham, although is likely to transfer in the coming weeks. He is known not for his skill, but more for his boundless energy and enthusiasm (basically he runs around the pitch like a headless chicken). Any player who matches Reo-Coker (Nige to his friends) in his enthusiasm is said to have or be 'The Coker-Factor'. Some Coker-Factor moves (or plays in American) include....
- Breaking up attacks with fearless challenges
- Distributing the ball to the nearest team-mate
- Making tireless runs
- Listening to Tupac before the game
Players with Coker-Factor do not...
- 'Back heel' the ball
- Head the ball
- Create opportunities for team-mates with sublime skill
- Score any goals
'Man did you see me break down those attacks today, I am the Coker-Factor'
'Did you see West Ham today? The Coker-Factor was bloody awful'
The loss of real estate value caused by a bad, sloppy or lazy neighbor, as compared to comparable homes in the neighborhood that don't abut the bad neighbor. The difference in resale value between a home with good neighbors and a similar one with a bad neighbor.
My nasty neighbors next door kept bothering prospective buyers during showings, so I ended up selling for 20% less than the appraised value. The toth factor cost me thousands!
Competitive party game. Each player takes it in turn to play the cheesiest/biggest tracks from their iPod/phone. Winner is the person with largest portion of booty shaken and/or most raucous screeching. Best played intoxicated.
"Oh man, this party's so borrring"
"What we need is a good dose of I-factor!"
(whoop whoop)
The healthy fear that employees have of their boss.
He was going to grow a sweet mustache, but then remembered that his boss hates facial hair; the Mardini factor makes him shave twice a day.
It’s the satanic force of extreme time pressures and unrealistic deadlines which now a part of most jobs in the private sector. It’s impact is most severe and observable in the professional working in the field of accounting and finance! It is known to cause chronic stress, anxiety, heart attacks and even cancer!
Sally is under stress due to the shamil factor which is a result of the current financial year end and audit being held at the same time!
The ratio of the number of employees in a firm, to the number of Slack channels used by the firm. The higher the Slack Factor, the higher the number of Slack channels per employee, and the lower the possibility of finding that one message you know you just read a minute ago that you needed to respond to.
I just saw a question from Larry, but our Slack Factor is so high, I don't even remember what channel it was in any more. I guess he's not getting an answer.