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Abby (AB)

AB is the most caring, loving, funny, and outgoing guy you will ever meet. He will give you the world and make you feel safe. AB is home away from home, safe zone. The way he looks at you and smiles at you reminds you why life is beautiful. AB goes above and beyond to provide for everyone he loves and tries his best for them to have a smile on their face. He is always looking out for his loved ones, friends, and significant other. AB can be really outgoing, but also can also prove how to have a good time.

Abby (AB) likes to help others and make sure they are doing okay.

by Slowsnow November 23, 2021

Abby Harvey

Abby Harvey is a girl who usually cannot be trusted and always breaks the promises and lies to the person she claims to love. Mostly know as a narcissist, she usually fucks up and blames her significant other for her lies and broken promises. She also often will make you feel like you are worthless and tell you to kill yourself. She doesn't care for anyone other than herself. Stay far away.

"Did you hear what Abby Harvey did to Darion? She told him to kill himself."

by Mikel Fefer April 26, 2018


abby is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. she has the best smile that lights up the whole room and everyone in it. she has the best sense of humor and will always make u laugh. abby is always fun and bubbly but when it comes down too it, she is always there and ready to put up a fight for u (fun fact.. abby punched a girl for me) abby is my fav friwnd 🧡

person 1 “who is that smoking hot babe over there??”
person 2 “oh that’s ABBY I. ORTEGA . she’s pretty sickalicous

by MTMP(swagger) October 13, 2023

Abby Hotaling

A beautiful woman baby that is the spawn of Nicki Minaj and Allah. Not to be confused with Kim Kardashian, an Abby Hotaling prides herself on her ability to remain unimpregnated. She may often be seen on the beach in the wee hours of the morning wandering aimlessly, in search of the perfect vegetarian burrito.

"The girl over in that restaurant looks just like Kim K!"
"Oh that's just an Abby Hotaling"

"I saw a girl in line at Chipotle, I think it was Abby Hotaling"

by 2hot4uu January 1, 2013

Abby Gibbs

abby is so cute shes awesome and so hot she loves animals and happy people shes so cool and popular she has awesome style and shes gorgeous and has such pretty hair and a pretty face and you should probably ask her out js saying.

"Wooow is that... ABBY GIBBS?!"
"Shes SO. HOT."

by urdaddddddddddddd May 11, 2022

Abby Linn

a hoe, slut, pig, rat, etc.

abby linn is always tryna take your manz

by BadBihSophie March 23, 2019

Dirty Abby

when you have sex with your stepsister (and you are both girls)

my stepsister and i did a dirty abby last night

by milfsrlyfe September 10, 2021

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