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Light bar

Policeman, Sheriff, Forest Service, Security, Parking Enforcement, etc... Any authority that has a row of lights on its roof and can punish you.

We'd better go inside, that's the second light bar that's cruised by in the last ten minutes.

by jackies March 6, 2006

9👍 4👎

BAR Association

An elite "members only"group of corrupt alcoholic lawyers who frequent the local bars and are so criminally-minded that they should all be "behind bars".

If an attorney tries to be too honest, he likely gets BARRED from the BAR Association --- how convoluted is THAT???

by QuacksO February 11, 2019

Crotch Bar

The portion of material in shorts, swimsuit bottoms, or panties that cover the female genitalia and extend down the inner thigh. This term is often used when describing the amount of crotch coverage given to the vagina.

Female: Oh my god, I hate this swimsuit, this crotch bar is too narrow.
Other Female: I know right, I can literally see your labia.

Female: The crotch bar on these undies is huge, what am I, a grandmother?
Other Female: Yes grandma.

by tittiez696969699696969 July 22, 2014

bar jacked

When a drunk corners you in a bar an you can't escape...

Sober friends just walk in

Drunk Bar Jacker approches your table: Hey guys, how are you? I'm friends with a rapper. He's 25 and his wife is 24 and I'm 54 and rappers are the poets of our generation and can say more in 14 paragraphs than most say their entire lives and....

Sober friends: We've been bar jacked!

by dddennis February 17, 2010

squidward bars

squidward bars are green xanax bars pressed with 3mg of flualprazolam or etizolam. They typically smack and 2 will have you geeked up. People who take more than one squidward bar usually end up in jail.

Tyrone: i took 2 of dem squidward bars and they had my ass faded

by peanut coke plug November 6, 2022

Schneel bar

The act of cumming on a chocolate bar and giving it to someone.

Andrew: yo Jack you want a Schneel bar ?
Jack: what’s a Scheel bar ?
Andrew: just try it.

by Pumpkimeater6974 December 18, 2022

Lacey Bar

A Lacey Bar is a grab bar in a jeep. Formerly known as a pussy bar. History: A lonely dirty old man had a very old Jeep and his caregiver was a named Lacey- think white trash but with teeth. She would never do anything but the old man continued to pay her to keep him company. One day his grown ass children caught on that this skank wasn’t really a caretaker but a dirty no good ho and cut her loose. The dirty old man named the grab in his Jeep a Lacey bar in her memory. He even used one of those old ass label makers to commemorate the name by the grab bar.

You should have seen Todd the hay wads face when I got air over the hill. He white knuckled the shit out of the Lacey Bar.

by BigRDaddy October 25, 2020